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Boil green walnut leaves in water for 15 minutes. Then apply the liquid to the skin using clean gauze or cloth. Our forefathers and foremothers used plants, common sense, and a little know-how to ease all types of pain and discomfort. In many cases, these treatments worked as well or better than the medications we purchase today. Plus, they worked without the risk of added chemicals and preservatives. If you dab a bit of pure lavender essential oil directly on the burn straight away, the pain will ease and blisters will not form.

I soaked toilet paper in cool tea and applied it to the burn area. I wasn’t to be picked up for two days, so that is what I used for two days. The doctor said using the cool tea on the burn kept it from scaring. By the time I saw him two days later, the burn was well on its way to healing. He recommended continuing to use cool tea on the burn.
Skin Irritations and Rashes
The reason it works is because the gin makes you feel no pain. There is an element of truth in the old description of someone who has over indulged in alcohol, “He was feeling no pain,” Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. Instant relief and better than anything else to prevent scarring. No, we’re not suggesting that you get drunk and avoid the problem. The key is that alcoholic is an antiseptic, which means it eliminates the fungus that causes foot odor, and dries your feet out.
But when you used to see grandpa downing a shot of apple cider vinegar after a night with his buddies, he knew what he was doing. Apple cider vinegar balances the pH levels in your stomach after a little too much alcohol throws it off. Just gulp down a teaspoon of this vinegar, or a small shot-glass. If you can’t take it straight, dilute it with some water.
Cranberry juice for UTIs
The neti pot works by using water or a saline solution to clean out your nasal passageways of mucus, which also helps relieve inflammation. Prunes are an all natural source of fiber and low in calories, making them a healthy snack! The fiber and sugar in prunes help relieve constipation and keep your digestive system regular. Use a cotton ball to apply buttermilk to any spots and then rinse the area with water after 20 minutes. If you want to avoid getting sick altogether, you can take steps to proactively strengthen your immune system, like eating healthy, sleeping well, and exercising.
Simply make a paste of baking soda and water and apply it to the area around the splinter. Wait for about 15- to 20-minutes and then use tweezers to remove the splinter. The baking soda softens the skin around the splinter, causing the splinter to poke up, making it much easier to quickly remove.
Basil Leaves and Ginger for Fever
Today, coconut oil is believed to be one of the best home remedies for smothering lice, especially since the oil has more solidity than mayonnaise. Plus, the treated scalp will smell like an island breeze after the oil is applied and rinsed out. It's no secret that our parents and grandparents grew up in an age of just making things work.

Then, brush across your teeth with a toothbrush, and repeat once every four months. In fact, researchers at Padjadjaran University, in Sumedang, Indonesia, found that this mixture is supremely effective at banishing tough-to-eliminate coffee stains. Believe it or not, duct tape actually does work and there is research to support the claims. Doctors admit they are not sure why it is effective but a study published in 2002 demonstrated that it was even more effective than traditional treatment. The researchers found that covering your warts with duct tape was even more effective than traditional freezing treatment. We have looked at a number of natural remedies for inflammatory skin conditions as well as general skin care treatments.
Make a paste of baking soda and spirits of camphor and apply it every night. Removes all kinds of warts, even stubborn planter’s warts that resist every “medical” treatment. Witch hazel is multi purpose addition to your supplies. It is excellent for acne, hemorrhoids, bug bites, dry skin, and insect stings. I recently learned that it will even clean sweat and body oil from upholstery.

For a guide to quantities, try a ¼- to ½-teaspoon salt in 8-ounces of warm, not boiling water. Since the leaves are mostly inedible, look for artichoke extract capsules in health food stores or online. Don’t miss these other home remedies for heart burn everyone should know. Honey has a variety of antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.
I unfortunately I smashed the bug flat and rolled my hand over it to make sure I actually killed it. The Ag Commission said without an identifiable corpse they couldn’t ID the bug. In the 50 years I have lived in this town I have never been stung by a bee or bitten by any insect other than a mosquito. Black widow spider bites are not deadly except maybe to an infant or a very sick elderly person but what would they be doing hanging around black widows? The worst it will do is cause some stomach cramps. Potato needs to be fresh out of the ground to work best.
Prunes are a great source of dietary fiber containing three grams in each serving. Ginger is another traditional remedy for a wide range of illnesses especially digestive troubles. Studies have started to back up what our grandparents always knew. Problems with prescription medication include a long list of potential side effects, the risk of dependence and the fact that they do not always work. The growing concerns about antibiotic resistance are a prime example. I was also raised by an older mom, she used a lot of old remedies on me that I still use today.
To make pine syrup, collect a cup of freshly-washed pine needles, and thoroughly blend them. Meanwhile, boil water, corn syrup, and a bit of salt, mix this with the needles, then steep for a few hours. Keep this syrup in the refrigerator for at least a month, then keep it on hand forever to treat sore throats. When in doubt, duct tape can get the job—any job—done.
This is another great home remedy that our Nan’s always told us to use and for good reason. According to experts, honey is especially good at soothing coughs caused by some type of irritation. It works by lubricating your throat and some studies have found that honey was even more effective than regular, over the counter cough medications. This is a home remedy that my Nan always recommended whenever I was coming down with a cold or any sort of respiratory complaint.
Aloe for burns
Suppose blistering your neck doesn't relieve your sore throat. Mix it with warm water and some olive oil and "paint it into the throat." Alternately, sucking on a cocaine lozenge before eating "will be found very useful." I burned around my right eye with hot wax on a hunting trip. Being young and foolish I didn’t have any first aid equipment with me.